Dearest friends, I send this with the heaviest heart:I'm sure by now you have heard about the fire at Eastern market. I don't have much to say at this point because I really am in a state of shock, but I wanted to pass this along. Please, please tell everyone you know that the Market Lives and we will continue to vend there, every Saturday and Sunday. the North Hall, which is Market 5 Gallery, was completely untouched by some miracle, and a very heavy duty Fire wall between the two halls. They would not let me into the Gallery to check on my belongings which I keep right up against that fire wall, but I was told by staff that it was OK. The meeting I went to this morning with the Mayor indicated that the South Hall would take at least 18 months to rebuild. Some of the inside vendors had no insurance, so they have lost everything. It was also mentioned that some type of temporary shelter would be made so that the food vendors could continue to sell. also, 7th Street will be closed to traffic Saturday and sunday, to provide more space for more vendors to sell. And the 44th Annual Market Day will be held this Sunday May 6th. If you can, please try to come out and support us. I'm not sure about my space along the wall because they have erected a fence the entire parameter of the building. I'm hoping not to be moved, but I may be. Please say a prayer for those who lost everything and for the death of one of the best, most vibrant, interesting and last of it's kind markets. I could feel the pain from the building as I sat there last night, stunned, just watching it for over 4 hours.
So far, I haven't received any any specfic reports of Rush Limbaugh or Newt Gingrinch attempting to blame the fire on "liberalism," although I'm sure we can expect that soon. If you're confused by this, it's probably because you are not aware that in additional to their nearly limitless ignorance about society, religion, economics, etc., American Conservatives also have difficulties with basic English, incorrectly applying the term "liberalism" (which for you non-Political Science majors out there is a term that properly refers to a laissez-faire approach to economic management) when they mean to say "Socialism." American Conservatives hate Socialism, because they hate any anything that hints at fairness or justice.
Again, I do hope those of you who are able to make your way to Eastern Market this weekend and show your support, preferably by spending generously on the jewelry, paintings, clothing, handcrafts and other items they sell there. You'll help raise their spirits, and in the process, you'll get to take home some very cool shit from one or more of the artists and artisans that sell from this venerable venue.
Mexico City
11 May 2007
1 comment:
Thanks for writing this.
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